Resourcing Utilized with EMDR

Resourcing Utilized with EMDR

Resourcing is the use of therapeutic methods to quiet the nervous system and calm the body.  It is the first step on your journey to heal from traumatic or distressing events or to build new healthy skills for dealing with anxiety and depression.  Dr. Francine Shapiro refers to the development of a resource as “installing a resource.” Several ways of resourcing include (1) establishing a calm, peaceful place, (2) creating a container to hold unresolved thoughts or emotions, (3) developing a nurturing or protective figure, (4) belly breathing, or (5) mindfulness exercises.    

In this blog, we will focus on the first method: establishing a calm, peaceful place. The first task in developing a calm place is to think of a memory or experience, real or imagined, that creates a deep sense of peace or calm for you.  Consider a scene that is not associated with any trauma or distress.  As you envision this scene in your mind’s eye, notice the colors, smells, sights, and sounds that gently surround you with serenity.

You might choose a beach scene, where you are standing in front of the ocean with arms outstretched, watching the waves roll in and back out again.  You may notice the warm sand massaging your feet and a gentle breeze caressing your face.  Notice the beautiful sense of peace you feel as you look out on the horizon and marvel at how the ocean meets the sky in hues of blues and greens extending beyond your view. Notice perhaps the seagulls flying overhead or dolphins playing in the distant waves.

You may instead choose to place yourself on top of a mountain where you can see numerous mountain peaks reaching before you with the verdant, luscious valleys extending below. Perhaps you see the sun coming up in the distance or the clouds misting gently across the sky. 

You may also choose to walk in the forest with a dearly beloved friend or stroll beside a lake with a mentor you deeply trust.  Perhaps you prefer to create an image of an angel holding you or to envision someone who dearly loved you from the past sitting beside you with their arms about you.

After you have developed the specific aspects of the experience that soothe and calm your mind and body, imagine this scene while using bilateral stimulation to install the resource. For bilateral stimulation and visualization, you can use the EMDR Tappers App iOS or EMDR Tappers App for Android.

Take a minute to find the right settings on the EMDR Tappers App that are best for resourcing. Typically, when resourcing, you want to slow the pace down to allow you to feel and experience the sense of calm and use about 25 repetitions.

When you are ready, start the EMDR Tappers App and imagine the scene in your mind, remembering the ways that it appeals to your senses and following the bilateral stimulation. Lastly, come up with a cue word that best represents this image or visualization (i.e., “peace,” “relaxation,” “sanctuary”) and think of that word once while visualizing the image and using bilateral stimulation.

After establishing a calm, peaceful place with a cue word, be sure to take a few minutes a couple of times a day to practice envisioning this peaceful place in your mind’s eye with bilateral stimulation and feeling the calm in your body. You know you have successfully established this resource when you are able to say the cue word and feel relaxation and peace warm your body and soothe your mind. Like any meditation or mindfulness exercise, the more you practice, the easier it is to access this resource in times of distress.

Select from the provided possible resources offered in this module and the EMDR Tappers App will provide that image in the future resourcing sessions. Click on the resourcing audio guide for practice resourcing.


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