Counseling Services & Pricing


Counseling services starting at $180/hour session and $260/90-min session .

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List of Services:

Sex Addiction Therapy (Certified Sex Addiction Therapist)

EMDR Therapy

Somatic Experiencing Therapy

Emotional Focused Therapy for Couples, Families, and Individuals (EFT)

Clinical Hypnosis

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Therapy for Depression and Anxiety

Family Counseling

Addiction & Recovery

Grief Counseling

Work and Career issues

PIT (Post Induction Therapy) for codependency issues

Parenting Support

Stress Management

Conflict Resolution


Sex Addiction Therapy (Certified Sex Addiction Therapist)

Dr. Patrick Carnes, Dr. Stephanie Carnes (his daughter), and many other researchers associated with IITAP (International Institute of Trauma and Addiction Professionals) have spent the greater portion of their lives researching the best methods to help individuals overcome compulsive sexual behaviors that create destructive arousal patterns and harm intimate relationships. Together in therapy, we will work through the recovery process in a way that is both scientific and compassionate.

EMDR Therapy

EMDR is a powerful psychotherapeutic approach that helps lessen, and perhaps even eliminates, the painful mental and physical responses raised by the memory of traumatic events. Successful treatment with EMDR can help relieve emotional distress, shift negative beliefs and reduce physical arousal associated with distressing or traumatic memories. This method can also facilitate the development of healthier, more adaptive patterns of thought and behavior.

Somatic Experiencing Therapy

Somatic Experiencing was developed by Dr. Peter Levine, who combined his study of many different areas, including stress physiology, psychology, ethology, biology, neuroscience, and medical biophysics to develop clinical tools to help the body release stored trauma and distress. The tools developed using this method can heighten a client’s awareness of their internal experience, both emotional and physiological, and help them respond to stressors in a healthier way.

Emotional Focused Therapy for Couples, Families, and Individuals (EFT)

Emotional Focused Therapy was developed by Dr. Sue Johnson and has many research studies validating the effectiveness of this method of therapy to help a couple or family deepen their connection and increase their feeling of safety with vulnerability between individuals.

Clinical Hypnosis

Clinical Hypnosis (American Society of Clinical Hypnosis) is a safe and effective tool utilized in therapy to facilitate access to the subconscious mind and strengthen the client’s ability to develop more adaptive and functional patterns of behavior.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT, developed by Dr. Marsha Linehan, helps the client develop essential skills for coping with anxiety, depression and other dysfunctional patterns of behavior. The client integrates emotional regulation skills, distress tolerance skills, and interpersonal relationship skills in a way that increases his or her ability to move through stressful situations with more calm and confidence.

Therapy for Depression and Anxiety

Depression and Anxiety often stem from unresolved trauma or deeply integrated patterns of fear, hopelessness, or powerlessness. Both attuned listening and careful integration of one or several of the methods described above can help a client shift to a more calm and stable way of interacting in their world.

Family Counseling

Family Counseling is a powerful tool to help family members identify disruptive patterns of interaction and find a voice in the family system. Through the counseling process, family members can integrate a healthier model of interaction and deepen their sense of authenticity and connection in the family system.

Addiction & Recovery

Addiction is often used to escape or numb out from stressors or traumatic experiences. Addiction counseling can facilitate the growth and awareness necessary to shift from various patterns of escape or avoidance to healthier, more functional responses to stressors.

Grief Counseling

Losses can often overwhelm an individual and create a deep sense of despair and hopelessness. Grief counseling can be effective in helping the individual identify the distressing aspects of experience, thought, and emotion associated with the loss and move through the grief, allowing it to be released from the body.

Work and Career issues

Sometimes we struggle with a lack of confidence in optimizing our progress in our life’s work and career. Counseling for work and career can help a client identify where they may be stuck, perhaps where they may have developed negative beliefs about themselves that may inhibit individual growth and progress. Once identified, the individual can then uncouple these networks and build new pathways of healthy thought and behavior.

PIT (Post Induction Therapy) for codependency issues

Post Induction Therapy was developed by Pia Mellody as a therapeutic tool to help clients shift from codependent patterns to a healthy interdependence, especially in their most important relationships.

Parenting Support

Therapy support for parents allows the parent to express their concerns and struggles as well as their strengths and insights. Through this process, the parent can integrate several powerful tools to increase their ability to interact with their children in a more effective way.

Stress Management

Our lives are so often filled with stressful experiences. It is helpful to build an understanding of how to move through stresses in a more adaptive way, i.e., how to calm the body during stressful experiences or how to direct thoughts to create a healthier framework for facing stresses.

Conflict Resolution

Between any two individuals, there is always the potential for ruptures or disagreements in the relationship. It is part of the human condition. Conflict resolution is a therapist guided skill building session to integrate several important skills, such as attuned listening, reflection and empathy, as well as negotiation and compromise.